Domain Registration
Use your Rkstar Page as your band web page, You can have yerbandname.com point to it for $25/year, Includes an email alias to forward yername@yerbandname.com to your current email. First one free, each additional just $2/year.
Web Hosting
(makes it yername.rkstar.com, add $25/year for your own domain name, recommended)
For local bands:
$20/year for first 20MB, $5 for each additional 20MB.
For other bands/music businesses:
$30/year for first 20MB, $10 for each additional 20MB.
For others:
$50/year for first 20MB, $20 for each additional 20MB.
Video Recording, Editing, and Compression.
See http://rkstar.com/dv/
Because many advertisements tend to make a site look... well, ugly, we try to keep advertising to a minimum, and only for services/products that we support, and generally music related only. Because there are so many variables for advertising (what page(s) it gets displayed on, if its included in the newsletter, how big/long it is etc), we ask that you email editor@rkstar.com for a quote for your exact needs.
Message Board/Guest Book Inclusion
Bands and music businesses can use the Rkstar Message Board engine for your own board forum. Those are $20/year each, and another $30/year each to have the forum listed on the Rkstar message board front page. The advantage to that is it gets a prominent content listing on a page that gets hundreds of hits every day.
Customized Perl Scripts
Most of the content on the Rkstar site is generated on the fly by CGI Perl scripts, they can be used for just about anything. Even programs that aren't seen by users and just used for your own personal use are common uses. The possibilities are really endless as to what you can do. The cost of developing such a program can run from $5 to thousands of dollars. Email editor@rkstar.com with details of your project and we'll figure out how much it will cost.
Web Design
$20/hour plus CGI costs if any. Our web design focuses on pages which are attractive looking, easy to navigate and search, containing audio and video media where appropriate. We don't use nor recommend flash for any kind of navigational content.
Music Lessons
Yep, I teach music too. Music theory (the rules of which all music is applied), piano/keyboard, and beginner guitar and bass. If you're in the capital district (specifically the Scotia/Glenville area) looking to learn any of those, get in touch!!! Also, for free, I made up a "Dan's Music Theory Cheat Sheet". A nice little chart, while it's not ideal to learn from, it's a great reference sheet for any one learning. Knowing music theory is what allows you to learn any instrument on your own (minus the specific instrument-specific techniques).